Two thirds of Americans say their lives have been affected by addiction.

Addiction is an epidemic in our society. It seems like every city has a growing drug and alcohol issue that they’re unable to get a handle on. At the end of the day, each individual must take control of their addictive behavior to truly break the addiction cycle.

So, how long does it take to break an addiction?

Today, we’ll look at the recovery journey to help you get a sense of what you can expect. Every addict and addiction is different, but keep reading and you’ll learn how to overcome addiction in a way that works for you.

How Long Does It Take to Break An Addiction?

Different sources say different things about recovery times for addiction. Some people think you can effectively break addictive behaviors in 6 months, while others say you need to allot 2 to 5 years to the recovery journey.

At the end of the day, none of the time estimates matter when you’re getting sober. If you think about how long and daunting recovery is going to be from the outset, it makes the process a lot more difficult to wrap your head around.

Depending on your addiction and your personality, you could kick your habits in a few months. Addiction is a lifelong battle for most, but it’s important to think positively and take it a day at a time.

Start by Recognizing Addictive Behavior

To get on the path to recovery, you need to recognize addictive behavior. If you’re in the throes of addiction, thinking clearly isn’t always easy. It might take loved ones bringing it up or even holding an intervention for you to truly see the error in your ways.

You need to want to beat your addiction for this to work. The intuition that you have to change will come over you and you’ll be ready to start the recovery process, regardless of how long it takes.

Avoid Triggers

The best way to stay on the straight and narrow is to avoid triggers and seek help when needed. Triggers can be anything – people, places, activities, or states of mind.

Avoiding triggers isn’t always simple. It could involve leaving good friends or family members behind while you attempt to get clean. At a certain point, however, you need to think about what’s good for you – if they can’t support that, then they’re not the right support system to have in place.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Asking, “How long does it take to break an addiction?” isn’t the right way to look at your circumstances. It’ll take however long it takes, but the main focus should be on changing your mind. When you put the work into fighting your addiction, the journey is a big part of the reward.

If you’re having trouble with addiction, it’s okay to ask for help. Studies indicate working with a personal recovery coach to help navigate early and ongoing recovery dramatically increase someone’s chances of sustained recovery.

At HOPE Guides, our mission is to help you transform your life and achieve your goals with personalized support. Contact us today to speak to a recovery coach and get on the road to recovery in 2024.

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Schedule a complimentary strategic consultation with one of our amazing coaches

Whether it’s professional or personal, help with a relationship or establishing your footing in recovery, we are here to help you achieve your goals.